Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Covid, Care And Cookies

--by mindyjourney, posted Sep 20, 2021
Even though both my husband and I were both fully vaccinated (Moderna, last March), he recently caught CoVid. Not sure where or how. It was one of those random breakthrough cases. Sort of like winning the lottery, but in reverse.

So VERY GRATEFUL that Roger was vaccinated because the virus could have struck him much harder. He started having cold/flu-like symptoms the day before our son and his wife were to fly home from visiting us at our cabin hOMe.

Once Roger tested positive, we alerted them and others we had been in contact with. Thank goodness our son and his wife tested negative and no one else displayed any symptoms.

Self-quarantined since last Thursday, I’ve been keeping my distance, washing hands frequently, sleeping in our camper trailer, disinfecting handles and doorknobs, reading, and spending as much time as I can outside. And of course, taking good care of Roger, who is slowly getting better. The most distressing effect was his loss of smell and taste, but thank goodness that seems to be slowly but steadily returning. Perhaps, those fresh-baked Cowboy Cookies helped heal his sense of taste? :)))

🤗 The prayers and support of friends and family have been a balm during this uncertain storm. Telephone calls and texts, uplifting messages and offers to bring us groceries, come care for us, all have been safe-distance “hugs” of loving-kindness and compassion.

Never doubt that each gesture makes a difference. 

Lesson learned, my kind friends, even though fully vaccinated, be vigilant in adhering to safety measures.

We will return to wearing masks in public spaces and being extra mindful of physical connections when we are out of quarantine.

Blessings of health, safety, and the support needed as we all traverse these uncertain and changeable seas.

With a big bow of gratitude and of course, a cookie! Thank you 🙏 🍪!
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Readers Comments

Kiran wrote: Glad to hear that roger is getting better. You too take care.
Butterkind wrote: Glad to hear that roger is getting better.
drjoybug wrote: Sad news, but good that he is recovering. Prayers for him and for you🙏
DANCE wrote: so glad to hear he's recovering!
Balou wrote: So glad that MisterM is getting better again! And thank you for your continous support and your caution!
truthunltd wrote: Wishing MisterM a very Speedy Recovery and & back to normal life and you Take Care & Stay Safe. Namaste.
pluto178 wrote: Very often you are vigilant and others around you more blaze….we too have a covid sufferer in the household and taking care of him as best we can whilst trying to keep our distance. He is double vaccinated so it is not too severe just yet lets hope it remains that way x
SissyLee wrote: Hope Mister M is much better now and you are safe, too.
Mish wrote: Glad to hear he’s feeling better, twinnie 🙏 Am sure your cookies were good medicine for him 🍪.
The vaccine prevents serious covid & keeps you out of the hospital. May more people get vaccinated & wear masks!
Rajni wrote: I pray to God to heal MisterM very quickly under His loving care and help keep him and you safe and well. Our prayers are always with us.

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