Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Dogs and Cats, Oh My

--by alisamom, posted Sep 24, 2021
I haven’t been on here in forever but I just needed to share this with you.

Last winter we had to put our two geriatric dogs to sleep. The house felt so empty but we weren’t ready for a new dog. Instead, we got two cats. Then a few weeks ago one of our cats never came back home and the house was now way too lifeless. My husband, who’s a disabled vet with PTSD and other issues, saw a dog up for adoption at a local shelter. The description read, “good with cats.” So we made an appointment to meet her. It turned out that she came from an abusive home and was especially afraid of men. Her trainer had worked with her all year to get her to a point where she was even adoptable. After an hour with the trainer, we got to meet her. It was love at first sight and she even let my hubby pet her.

Long story short we took her home. She’s skittish and shy but is warming up to her new pack of humans and felines.

That night we also realized that we adopted her exactly 8 years after our Husky died. Her name is karma.

All week we’ve been walking around the house and property constantly saying “good karma” to reassure her. It makes me smile and so I just really felt like sharing it with you

722 Reads

Readers Comments wrote: Oh my, what a union!
Balou wrote: What a beauty! I am happy she found a good home with you!!! ... and that name is just great ... yes, good karma all around!!!
Mish wrote: Me thinks a match made in Heaven. Much love & comfort will come from this. Bless ❤️ 🐶❤️
mindyjourney wrote: Was recently considering Karma and its effects. Seems this Karma is just the healing needed :). Good to hear from you, my friend.
Helenconnell2 wrote: What a lovely story! Thanks for sharing it!
michelelpurce wrote: it is definitely good karma. :) thanks for sharing this great story. thanks to you and your husband for your service. :)
pluto178 wrote: Good Karma is a wonderful mantra to repeat over and over again in your home it can bring only good fortune…….was the cat that scarpered a boy…….I have found they don’t have the loyalty the female does…………sounds like you needed Good Karma and she needed you a match made in Heaven…..enjoy often wonder about getting another dog so I can feel your excitement enjoy x
Lt33 wrote: Aww that's so wonderful you got to give her a loving home and your cats got a new playmate too thanks for sharing it was meant to be 😍😀
SissyLee wrote: Thank you so much for adopting Gook Karma. I am tearing up a bit as I am so happy for all of you.
dotmatrix wrote: Great to see you. Your new family member is adorable and I love her name. ♥.

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