Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Unexpected Kindness

--by Butterkind, posted

I was at a postal office to send a package for a relative of mine. When the manager asked me to pay the bill, I didn’t have the exact change. I needed a change of 500 Rs. and the manager was saying that it is very difficult to get change these days.

Meanwhile, a rickshaw driver who was standing behind me, overheard our conversation and asked me if he could get change from outside. So I gave him the money. He soon returned with the change.

In appreciation for his eagerness and timely help, I gave him a origami peace dove and he thanked me. The manager looking curiously at this unexpected gift by me, told him to hang it in his auto rickshaw. I then gave a peace dove to the manager as well.

I could tell, it filled our hearts even if we were total strangers and met only briefly.


Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Yes, Mindy’s peace doves are great connectors with people. Your good energy draws kind people to you wherever you journey there, Butterkind. Beautiful. 💕
Helenconnell2 wrote: How lovely!
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for sharing your kindness as the Peace doves open the door 🕊.
michelelpurce wrote: that was wonderful you sharing your doves to your new friends. :)
Rajni wrote: Your appreciation of rikshaw driver and manager is very inspiring.

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