Stories of Kindness from Around the World

When You Get The Perfect Gift

--by Mish, posted Oct 19, 2021
💕 “New friends may be poems but old friends are alphabets. Don't forget the alphabets because you will need them to read the poems.” ~ William Shakespeare ~

😊 I was so happy when a gift I chose for a longtime dear friend, slowly recovering from a bad leg injury caused by her recent fall, called me to share how perfect she felt my choice was. I knew how much she loved the old TV series “The Golden Girls” (reruns are still showing on TV here) & found a Golden Girls book I just knew was something that would delight her. Like me, she is a bookaholic, too. 📚📚📚

I was looking around hoping to find something just for her & thanked the universe for leading me to something seemingly meant for my dear friend. 🙏

~ Art by Inge Look

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Readers Comments

gardengal10 wrote: The Universe knows when and where to give the nudge!
michelelpurce wrote: how neat! i love it when good deeds come together, you are always so thoughtful and you know just what to do or get. :)
unknown wrote: I am glad to see you drawn to filling your friend's heart with what she loves the most. While I can't read like before, may you read a page for me too 😋
Rajni wrote: Book lovers can easily attract other book lovers.
Balou wrote: Love the shakespeare quote! ... and glad ypu foundsomething dear for your friend!
pluto178 wrote: I searched for a book once to no avail and then one day it arrived in the post………I puzzled but thought well I must have ordered it and forgotten it. It was so intense if you read one page you had to get your notebook out and think………by the time I reach the middle of the book many years had passed…..then I found a card from my friend saying saw this for sale in a dutch bookshop and thought you might find it of interest…….how amazing is that…….I did thank her for it eventually lol. x
mindyjourney wrote: Books are just made to share! :)))) Thank you for doing 📚 so mindfully.

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