Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Postcards from the Edge

--by SissyLee, posted Oct 4, 2021
I belong to a postcard exchange group called Yesterday I pulled the name of a man who asked people, if they felt like it, to send a card to his nephew who has Down's Syndrome. The nephew can't read or write but loves the pictures and his family reads cards to him and he keeps them all. I sent him a card of two horses -- it is a photo my mother took and I make cards of her photos to send around the world. I think he will enjoy it.
Meanwhile, Chayra the hamster has morphed into some sort of muffin bat. Lift-off appears impossible. Once again, she seeks but finds only the sweet fragrance.

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Readers Comments

scully wrote: Thanks for making a difference in this boys life! Cool picture, looks like one wise hamster
dance wrote: Thank you!
mindyjourney wrote: thank you for the postcard :))))). Must be the season for bats? :))))
Rajni wrote: Postcards you sent carries love with it. You did a wonderful job.
unknown wrote: She is adorable 💗
gardengal10 wrote: Not a crumb to be had? Poor thing:))
Mish wrote: At first glance I thought it was a black cat :))) 🐈‍⬛
drjoybug wrote: I had the same response as Mish!! The postcard was a caring kindness
singhharry1996 wrote: haha, she looks like a cross of a bat and a black cat. Thank you for sending such a wonderful postcard :)
pluto178 wrote: Tough time for people with Down Syndrome over here at the moment so I wish him all the best and hope he enjoys all the cards he receives. X

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