Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Smile Tag In A Restaurant Last Night

--by MakeSomeoneSmile, posted Oct 11, 2021
I was in a restaurant last night and saw a woman and her mother come in for dinner. Her mother had a walker and they sat off to the side. As I sat eating I thought they were excellent prospects for a kindness tag! I worked the details out with the manager and told her not to tell them who paid for their meal. I gave her a Smile Card to give them. They were so surprised and tried hard to get my identity from the manager. After a few unsuccessful attempts, they smiled, thanked her, and left.

When the manager came and told me how it went, I smiled and laughed. She asked me if I knew them and I told her no. She said there needs to be more kindness like that in the world. I agree and had fun doing my part for a day!
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Your kind act spread many ripple there that will carry forward. Well done, MSS 👍❤️
mindyjourney wrote: Nothing like a SMILE card tag 😊. Well done, MSS!
drjoybug wrote: This happened TO me a few weeks ago. I had the receiving end. It was a restaurant where I often get buy one get one meal free, and I share it with another.
Balou wrote: Great kindness! Thanks! Well done!
Rajni wrote: You did a wonderful job. The purest form of giving is anonymous to anonymous.
unknown wrote: Look who's here 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Delmar wrote: Nice going. You deserve a rose.
Helenconnell2 wrote: Wonderful kindness!
singhharry1996 wrote: hahaha, I felt so light and joyful hearing how you look for kindness prospects :). Thank you for keeping kindness in your heart and minds and making their day so beautiful!
butterkind wrote: How very sweet to identify your prospects for kindness tag!

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