Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Thank You For the Rainbow on a Rainy Day

--by lt33, posted Oct 21, 2021
I came home to this wonderful mail package today, sent by some KindSpring members. It was a rainbow 🌈 in the rainy day that I was experiencing. My son loved the ghost, and I'll be sharing the peace doves and bookmarkers with others. I know workers at a local library would love to have some to share, also. And the handmade orange incense sticks are so special. Those, along with the black onyx will help fight off negative energy. The ❤ pin was just frosting on the cake. Thank you so much for bringing this light into my life. ðŸ˜

617 Reads

Readers Comments

michelelpurce wrote: so happy for you ! and so deserving, :)
Rajni wrote: We are here to celebrate friendship with love. Some gifts you received from dear KS friend stand as a symbols of friendship. Enjoy.
Helenconnell2 wrote: It's so good to have friends in all sorts of places!
Balou wrote: A truly beautiful surprise! Have fun with it!
Mish wrote: You deserve all that & more 💕💕💕
unknown wrote: I see 31 smiles and that's a sign (the NL all the way for me) ... Enjoy 🎊🎉🎊
mindyjourney wrote: So glad you received and are link in our kindness chain :)))))). Thank you for being such a kindness force!
dance wrote: wonderful keep sprinkling kindness

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