Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

--by Mish, posted Dec 1, 2021
I found out early this morning that our longtime beloved next door neighbor who took a hard fall last week, was taken to the hospitalI last night. I brought a nice dinner over to her husband this afternoon. He was very appreciative.

She will be home tomorrow from the hospital. She has some broken ribs and will need a lot of rest.

602 Reads

Readers Comments

Christine88 wrote: Very nice of you
Christine88 wrote: Sweet
Rajni wrote: May God heal your friend under His loving care and help keep her healthy. You did a very good job of giving dinner for her husband.
gardengal10 wrote: Thanks for providing dinner to your neighbor at a very stressful time.
unknown wrote: Oh dear. I wish her a speedy recovery. Thank you for filling the gaps so always well sweetheart 💗
fairykats wrote: Bless her!
Helenconnell2 wrote: Something like that is so important!
pluto178 wrote: Gosh falls a plenty since covid began is it because we are home more…………I hope you settles back home quickly and heals. What a to do x
Balou wrote: Ouch! Thank you for reaching out and sending good thoughts to her for a quick healing!
petroskryf wrote: Ah, you are such a good, attentive neighbor! Thank you for reaching out, dear Mish.

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