Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Healthcare Heroes and the Caring Rose Week

--by MisterMindy, posted Nov 13, 2021
I had a full knee replacement surgery several weeks ago. A very painful, but necessary part of recovery is to participate in physical therapy, something I have been doing at the local clinic twice a week.

As this is Caring Rose Week, my wife purchased a dozen roses for me to donate to the clinic personnel that impart their healing torture upon my knee. They were very appreciative!

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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Am sure your “healing torturers” were happily surprised by your kind gesture 🌹
SissyLee wrote: That is awesome.
gardengal10 wrote: Lovely!
Rajni wrote: May the receivers of the roses spread their own fragrance of compassion and love to all they meet. May the blessings of God and wishes of us all recover your knee very soon.
drjoybug wrote: I feel your pain. I am a few weeks behind you with my shoulder.
fairykats wrote: I have been thinking about your struggles a lot. I know this torture. You can do it and you won't BELIEVE how much better you will feel.
petroskryf wrote: The sweet smell of roses certainly makes life more bearable. 🦋🌸
Helenconnell2 wrote: Always important to share with others especially those who care!
unknown wrote: All got to win ❤️🙏
mindyjourney wrote: How kind of you to treat your “torturers!” :))). It really is for your greater good and you are doing GREAT!!!! So proud of you 💕.

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