Readers Comments
Mish wrote: A wise reflection. Thank you for sharing it here with us. ðŸ™
drjoybug wrote: Very powerful insight
mindyjourney wrote: It is a HUGE learn to realize that our outer selves are just the window dressing for our inner selves :)
pluto178 wrote: Wow how wise you are for one so young……..and spot on there is no such thing as perfection only near perfection…but even imperfect is okay we are who we are and beauty is not the most important thing in life……….a beautiful mind is more important and I think you may have that too x
fairykats wrote: Wise beyond your years is the phrase that comes to mind. These days it is particularly difficult for young folks to feel balanced and serene. You are ahead of the game and I like your seeking spirit.
cyctw wrote: You are learning, or have learned, what it takes some a lifetime. I know i wasn't that wise in my middle school years. This also reminds me of how powerful our words can be:). I need to choose mine wisely and with kindness<3.
Larissa wrote: Beautifully said young lady!
Rajni wrote: Perfection varies in degrees for each person depending upon our perception. Real beauty lies in our heart that eyes cannot see, only heart feels it. Thanks for this beautiful inspirational post to see real perfection in each of us including ourselves. Great lesson you learned and you taught to us. Thanks
Butterkind wrote: What a nice lesson for all of us at any age. I appreciate your sharing that when you saw yourself in a fresh new way, you were everything you wanted to be, loved who were becoming - one of a kind, unique, beautiful, smart and loving. This seems like a deadly combination! :)))