Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Stocking Stuffers For Seniors

--by greenurlifenow, posted Dec 10, 2021
One of our local Drug Stores/Pharmacy has a holiday program called Stocking Stuffers for Seniors, which they coordinate with local seniors facilities.

The seniors request a few items that they would like, and the gift tags with their requests are placed on a Christmas tree in the store. 🎄

Customers can take a tag from the tree, buy the items that are requested and return the tag and gifts to the customer service desk.

I took one tag for a man and one for a woman, and I will be getting the items on their wish list. I will include a Christmas card with the gifts to spread some holiday cheer to them, as many are alone, without any family. 
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for participating in such a worthwhile program 🎄 ❤️
greenurlifenow wrote: Great program. I think I missed it last year, but I will make sure to get those tags fulfilled soon, and also in the future years.
greenurlifenow wrote: Thanks, MJ. 🙂
pluto178 wrote: Nice idea x
janfour wrote: i love gifting trees - how nice of you!!!!
Mish wrote: I deleted my comment because for some reason the link I shared not working right now. Odd.
Rajni wrote: Very nicer way to help celebrate Christmas with the gifts of their choice. You are doing a wonderful job.
FARnanny wrote: What a wonderful way to connect with others in your community through the gift of giving. x
michelelpurce wrote: how awesome. i see many trees for kids but the seniors do need it also, :)
lindariebel wrote: What a wonderful idea! I'll be alert in my local stores to see if they have similar programs.

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