Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Grocery Store Surprises

--by kat94, posted Jan 2, 2022
I was at the grocery store earlier buying ingredients for a pretty obvious dinner...which my cashier pointed out as she was scanning my items. We talked for a bit which was really nice, especially coming from a young cashier (I haven't come across it much). At the end of the conversation, she asked if happened to have any hand cream, which I did not have on me.

At this point I had already paid and as I was about to leave, I noticed I forgot an ingredient I needed. I went back and also decided to check out the hand creams they had. They had one on sale, and only one left...what are the odds?

I pondered if I should get it or not but thought back to the time my coworker bought me a hand cream after I showed her how bad my hands were last winter (due to all the handwashing and sanitizing I do at work).

After using the self-checkout, I went back to her and handed it to her, telling her I had forgotten to get something and decided to pick up a hand cream for her.

She was shocked and thankful. I hope the interaction inspires her to pay it forward one day, or the others who were watching :)
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Awesome to do fir her, Kat. 👏🏻 Hugs 🤗
Rajni wrote: You did a wonderful job. Inspiring cashier to pay forward is a very good kindness of your.
lt33 wrote: You did a great thing for that cashier 😁
dance wrote: Very kind!
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for being open to the nudge and being so thoughtful of cashier :)))
unknown wrote: A sweet ending ☺️
singhharry1996 wrote: Wow, that is one way to inspire young people, like myself haha. Kindness is a river!
butterkind wrote: so sweet and spontaneous act! :)
janfour wrote: niceness!!!
FARnanny wrote: A lovely gesture. Every time she uses that cream your kindness will be remembered. x

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