Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Enjoy The Ride

--by Butterkind, posted Jan 8, 2022
I offered to give a ride to a friend to a get-together at another friend's place. He gratefully accepted it since he doesn't have a car.

Coincidentally, my daughter found out that a new younger friend in her college had booked a flight to come to the bay area from Southern California. My daughter was driving to the bay area with her friend on the same day. So, she asked if the new friend wanted to join them in her car.

The new friend happily canceled her flight and they all drove together and enjoy each other's company and reached home safely.

What a fun way to return home after the stressful exams, filled with kindness and joy!

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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Kindness runs in your family 💕
pluto178 wrote: Very thoughtful and no doubt it made for a better journey all round x
Rajni wrote: Helping a friend in need is a friend indeed.

I think, those who offer rides are like Lord Krishna giving ride to Arjuna. Thus, those who receive ride is like Arjuna. Our perception does make a very BIG difference.

Now you know that a simple act as giving a ride can become a spiritual process/act.
mindyjourney wrote: Was all in the grand design to do! :)))) 🚙 💕 Thank you for following that nudge.
cabbage wrote: Beautiful kindness! And new friends :-)

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