Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A True Gentleman

--by Mish, posted Jan 10, 2022
Today is trash pick-up day on our block, Our next door neighbor and us take turns bringing all the trash cans back. Sometimes, on recycling pickup day, there are 6 big cans to be collected.

While I was out there this morning bringing the regular trash cans back, the recycling team pulled up and saw me there. He told me he would bring the rest of the cans back for me after he unloaded them. He also wished me a happy holiday and shared his beautiful smile. 😊
I smiled wide, thanked him, told him he was a true gentleman and wished him happy holidays, and told him to stay safe and be well.

So my kindness act this morning was returned by this nice garbage man 👨🏻 💕

662 Reads

Readers Comments

unknown wrote: Your kindness has returned right back at ya 💗
pluto178 wrote: I am currently on bin duty due to circumstances……..not my favourite job thats for sure. X
mindyjourney wrote: Love those service folks! :)
cabbage wrote: Awwwww....that's the best1
Rajni wrote: Garbage men returned your kindness for they can't trash it. LOL
fairykats wrote: What WOULD we do without those gents!!
greenurlifenow wrote: Such a wonderful story. 💕

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