Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Gratitude for the Gift of Yoga

--by Namaste, posted Jul 4, 2010

Recently, a yoga teacher offered a full day of free yoga classes (four classes in all).  I had the pleasure of attending one of the classes, which was wonderful.

The class was free, and yet, I felt a strong urge to say thank you.  So I sent a thank you card with twenty $1 bills and and a smile card.  It was sent anonymously with no return address and no signature in the card.  Though I'll never know for sure if it was received, I can say that it felt wonderful to do, and I have a warm feeling inside knowing that the circle of giving and gratitude lives on.

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Readers Comments

Aurelia wrote: That was so nice of You. I'm sure it made the yoga teacher SMILE...the goodness keeps spreading :)

Jacinda wrote: What a lovely idea Namaste :) I agree that your little gift would have surely touched the Yoga teachers heart and would definately placed a big smile on his face. Keep up the awesome work and keep smiling :) I really hope you have a wonderful week! Love and smiles, Jacinda :)
warmth wrote: u r abso right, the circle of giving and gratitude goes on, good things happen to u if u do good to others :)
sethi wrote: Great Act of kindness . Thank you .

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