Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Job Success From An Act Of Kindness

--by Abbygail7, posted Feb 5, 2022
Thoughtful giving requires awareness of the needs of others. It also involves taking positive actions to fill that need and respond with kindness and generosity.

Recently I was able to show a homeless women some kindness. I paid for her stay for 2 weeks at a motel. Then I bought her some much needed clothes and gave her some money. I helped to set her up with an interview (she got the job). We were so thrilled we went out to get a big meal to celebrate this little success.

Kindness is a two way street you never know when you're going to need it back.

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Readers Comments

cheeka wrote: So inspiring. Thank you for your kindness. I echo margazhi's comment "you deserve to be our next community member of the week".
Rajni wrote: You did a wonderful job of helping homeless women. Kindness matters. Always be kinder than necessary. May others get inspired. Thanks for sharing.
unknown wrote: You deserve to be our next community member of the week ... What an inspiring act of kindness 😊
pluto178 wrote: Real kindness of great value well done x
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for reaching out to homeless woman and giving her a hand up :)))).
dotmatrix wrote: The woman you helped can start her life over because of you. Thank you for your great kindness. ♥.
Mish wrote: Welcome to KINDSPRING ❤️🙏
SissyLee wrote: That is a truly incredible gift of loving kindness.
butterkind wrote: Wow! very inspiring story. You changed their life to an extent of even finding a job for her and arranging accommodation. How kind and persistent of you to work through with all this. :)
FARnanny wrote: This is a really inspiring story. It is easy to hand over a few pints to a homeless person or buy them food and drink. But to really engage with them and take time to work out what they need takes great kindness. Thank you for sharing such a lovely story.

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