Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sharing with Neighbors and Caring for the Earth

--by Butterkind, posted Feb 9, 2022
I plucked a bag full of ripe oranges today from the orange tree in our backyard and gave them to my neighbors. They are two brothers living together with their families and both have young kids. They are always grateful and accepting of my little gestures.

I also have a few pieces of camping gear including bedding that my kids have outgrown. I am glad to pass this on as it might be useful to them.

A few years ago, another neighbor gave me one her sleds which my family uses every year when we go to snowy places.

Circulation and reuse of resources is good for us and also good for Mother Earth.

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Readers Comments

cheeka wrote: what a wonderful act of sharing the oranges from your garden to your neighbor. And sharing your camping gear. Reuse of resources is so nice
dotmatrix wrote: Very kind. ♥.
Balou wrote: Perfect sharong, thank you so much!
FARnanny wrote: A lovely explanation of the joy of giving and receiving! Thank you. x
pluto178 wrote: That is perfection in action give and take means there is no superiority and no feeling like you are receiving charity……being able to give and take is one of lifes best gifts……..your finerprint is indeed a one off thanks for sharing and caring x
pluto178 wrote: Actually as an aside what a lovely fingerprint this is. x
Helenconnell2 wrote: Excellent way to spread kindness and care for our mother earth too!
Rajni wrote: Your love for mother earth is commendable. You also lived by the famous Bible saying "Love thy neighbors" by giving Oranges and camping gear.
Mish wrote: Wonderful circle of sharing there 👌🏻❤️
unknown wrote: I like that. We have enough to use and give. Why buy new? Thank you 😊

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