Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Co-operative Of Kindness

--by mindyjourney, posted Feb 23, 2023
We are rebalancing as we settle into being 1250 miles from our South Dakota cabin, at our son and daughter-in-law’s home.

A shopping excursion to their favorite food co-op, not only yielded some delicious healthy foods, but also an opportunity to pay for the few items of the customer behind us in line.

“Oh, you don’t have to do that!”

I assured her that as a random act of kindness, I’d like to treat her.

She finally agreed, saying, “I do stuff like that all the time, but this is the first time someone has done it for me…”

I gave her a Smile card as well as a Peace Dove, and did the same for the cashier too.

In the parking lot the customer reached out to us with more sincere appreciation and a card explaining her mission of higher nutrition. Plus, she returned our cart for us 😊.

Wherever we journey or land, we a co-operative of kindness when we reach out with an open heart of connection 💕.

515 Reads

Readers Comments

Helenconnell2 wrote: Such a beautiful story and the shop looks great too!
Mish wrote: I echo Helen 👌🏻💗
Balou wrote: True, a great atory, nice connection! And the shop really looks terrific
Rajni wrote: Those who give only has to receive in order to complete circle. You did a very good thing of paying some items for lady behind you in line. Together we make humanity propel.
gardengal10 wrote: Everything looks so beautifully displayed
fairykats wrote: Lovely colors!
pluto178 wrote: Like is attracted to like…………x
cheeka wrote: What a great story of humanity to read! Co-op kindness at South Dakota!
unknown wrote: I can't agree more. You're familiar with my upcycling right? The flower man M came up yesterday and volunteered to dump my garbage while handing flowers to me. I was very happy to give something that fetches money to these guys and they return favours without me even asking for one. I love that. Thank you for reiterating this truth through your own act of kindness. Have loads of fun wherever you're 💗💗💗
FARnanny wrote: You must have made that person's day/week/month by showing such kindness. x

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