Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Baffling Software Leads to Kind Solutions

--by lemonade, posted
As a student researcher at the Radiological Sciences department at UC Irvine, I use various software to collect and analyze scans of people with brain diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

When I first started doing research, I found the QuPath software to be very difficult to use. There were a lot of different tools and an extensive amount of new vocabulary to learn. There was another student working on a similar project also using the QuPath software. She walked me through a lot of it and although she had her own project to work on, she was always ready to answer any questions. 

I continued to struggle with the software during the times when she was not in the lab and there was no one to ask for help. It took me quite some time and practice to become proficient at using it but eventually, I was very well-acquainted with the software. 

The colleague who helped me was about to graduate, leaving me as the person who new student researchers would come to for help. I would be more than ready for them!

I decided to write a detailed step-by-step guide about how to use QuPath and its different tools so that new students could refer to if they needed advice. A week later, my PI (principal investigator, the professor who runs the lab) asked me to help a new student who was learning to use QuPath. He asked me to write down the instructions to support her and was pleasantly surprised when I told him it was already done. I shared the procedure with the new student and also helped her in person when we were in the lab together. 

Once I graduate, I hope that the guide I wrote will continue to help students for years to come.

solution concept and prolem. solution word glows in bulb, problem is uninspiring stock photo
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Grateful you followed the nudge to do, even before asked :))
pluto178 wrote: Well done and when people ask questions you want them to learn so they need to ask less in the future but you also want them to feel they can ask 100 questions and you will answer them not only are you doing this you have written a quide I wish lots of computer things had a simple guide too as I forget more than I learn and would love something like this so well done what a teacher you are. X
Mish wrote: Helping others is where it’s at. Well done by you 👏🏻
Pong wrote: Lemonade for everyone!
kindofkind wrote: Solutions are literal equations for those who use common sense.

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