Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Three Special Offerings

--by dotmatrix, posted Mar 30, 2022
Three people in my husband's work lost sisters to illness or accident in the last four years. So every year in their memory we donate to a young woman's enterprise here in the USA in each of their memories. Today's donation was to a young woman (and her husband) who run a duck bowling alley. I have no idea what that is but it looks like fun, and no ducks are actually harmed:). 

Every year for Valentine's Day I get to give -- this is our gift to each other. So grateful. This year we gave to Maher. We do every month but this month was extra, and I'm so glad we could. Sister Lucy's work is oceans-deep in love. They just celebrated 25 years. Now they have over 30 homes to help women and children on the street. All from one woman's dream. I adore this beautiful woman/saint. She makes me believe anything is possible.

I believe we can do this here, that no one should live on the street. So is about more than sharing creative work. It's sharing from our abundance. We have done it a little, but I want to dedicate my life to this. One of the most joyful things is helping someone and knowing their life is easier. We recently watched What the Health on Netflix and decided to begin following a vegan diet. Last year we bought a case of Right Protein powder on sale which is 144 meals total. We have most of the case left. It contains whey, non-vegan so I'm shipping it to Portland asap. All you need to do is add water. It's top-shelf and delicious. If I know Oscar, he already plans to share it. @myhomelessmeals on Twitter.
676 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: 💖🙏💖
pluto178 wrote: Much better idea than flowers and chocolates I will remember it for next year. X
Rajni wrote: Twice is nice and thrice very nice. You are doing very good job. I am familiar with Kiva.
fairykats wrote: Blessings!
kmbhai wrote: You are doing so many good works. So many blessings for you ...
mindyjourney wrote: That is such beautiful giving, dear dot! 💕 That is the way to share LOVE!
Balou wrote: You are spreading hope and kindness, Dot, thanks so much!
SissyLee wrote: Beautiful.

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