Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Day #1 Of Kindness Challenge

--by cyctw, posted Apr 14, 2022
Over the past several weeks 15 colleagues came together and decided they wanted to do a 21-Day Kindness Challenge. Instead of online, they preferred journalling and then meeting once a week. I did encourage them to post on KS, so we'll see if there are any newbies:). I distributed Kindness journals yesterday, as today is the first day of the challenge.
For my pay-it-forward, I wanted to make a meal for a dear soul who is going through her own journey with cancer. She has family over today, though, celebrating her brother's birthday so I've decided the kind thing to do for her would be to wait for another day. Instead, I made a couple of batches of peanut butter (speaking of which, if you'd like a jar, please pm me with your address...I'd gladly offer you one as a gift). I'm going to take some out with me and see where they land. I am also working a loaf of vegan milk bread for a friend of (my) wife's.
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Readers Comments

AnnC wrote: What a wonderful challenge and your gifts of kindness are lovely
DANCE wrote: How lovely of you
Mish wrote: You are love personified, cyctw. Bless 🙏
patjos wrote: busy busy bee! :)
dotmatrix wrote: Beautiful kindnesses. ♥.
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for approaching life with kindness in ALL ways! Great PB, btw :))))
cabbage wrote: Wonderful kindness chain reaction--happy to hear all of the goodness being spread, including peanut butter :-) You are a kindness rockstar!
Balou wrote: What a wondeful idea to share the kindness with colleagues! And I agree with the others, what an amount of kindness you are spreading!

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