Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Good Saturday

--by cabbage, posted Apr 15, 2022

Today I made gluten free chocolate cookies for a few people with gluten allergy
I'm also making a poster for peaceful protest against the war in Ukraine. I spread the word about the vigil and will be going to it tomorrow.

Other acts of kindness include:
  • Calling someone who is going through difficulties and tried to provide her with resources and connections to others
  • Making big pot of soup to give away
  • Sharing food with a neighbor
  • Giving away oranges from our tree
  • Volunteering at the soup kitchen and afterwards gave away my snack (banana and tangerine) to an older man who was hanging out outside. He was so surprised and it made me so happy!
471 Reads

Readers Comments

unknown wrote: You're a kindness 🐝 in a human form 💗
Helenconnell2 wrote: Thank you for all the sharing and kindness!
Balou wrote: Busy with wonderful kindness, thank ypu!
gardengal10 wrote: All good.
scully wrote: Cabbage! Wow when do you sleep?! Thanks for all you do
Rajni wrote: Your kindness attitude works very nicely. I appreciate all the kindness you do. Thanks.
dotmatrix wrote: Super!💕
mindyjourney wrote: Love how you pack soooo much kindness in a day! Thank you, my friend.
cheeka wrote: wonderful!
Mish wrote: Cabbage is one of our Earth Angels 😇🌍💖

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