Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Day In The Life 😍

--by Mish, posted Apr 21, 2022
My Thursday…..

🧶 Finished crocheting a ‘hug’ for Scully’s friend who was seriously injured in a car accident recently ( & shipped it out today for Scully to give to her. May it comfort her & help keep her cozy while healing 🙏

🕊🇺🇦Shared a few Ukraine peace doves that Mindy created while I was at the shipping store

🎁 Ordered a funny coffee mug for a friend for her birthday. I know it will make her laugh . I like it so much I might just get one for myself. I’d tell you what it says but it’s a bit x-rated 😉

🕯🇺🇦 Lit a candle for peace in Ukraine & donated to a relief fund

430 Reads

Readers Comments

DANCE wrote: Thank you so much for doing this!
unknown wrote: That was superfast to see you labour through a HUG because Scully posted this only recently? I am so impressed with you dearie 💗
unknown wrote: Thank you for the rest incl. ticklish humour that's left to our imagination. Love the Lilac colour for the quote. Soothing 💝
unknown wrote: Wow!!! What a Superb post!!! I am really happy after reading this post. Great Going!!! I SALUTE you!!! Keep Rocking :)
Balou wrote: Oh wow, you must have crotccheted day and night! What a lovely gesture, I am sure it'll provide the little 'extra' needed to heal properly. And that mug sounds great! Everybody needs a mischivous grin now and then .....
Mish wrote: 🧶
I had been crocheting one which was 3/4 done when I learned about the accident, so ………
pluto178 wrote: Lol I knew you would be working on a hug at all times….. lol x
cheeka wrote: Feels so good reading your post. Candle for peace and donation to the relief mind are great thoughts and kindness acts!
dotmatrix wrote: ♥.
petroskryf wrote: Thank you for being so kind and generous with those ‘hugs’ of you, dear Mish. I am sure it will be of great comfort to her while healing. Sending you a big a hug all the way from Cape Town. ❤️💜

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