Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Cheerful Givers…..

--by Mish, posted Apr 25, 2022
❤️ Feeling blessed by the great field of love that surrounds us all…..

Now that our kind neighbor has taken to bringing over her homemade foods to us every Friday evening, instead of every once in a while as she used to do, I enjoy finding a little something I know she will like/enjoy each week to gift to her when she visits.

Sometimes I give her something of mine that I feel she’d appreciate…or I order something for her that we had spoken about that I knew she wanted. This Friday I was able to give her something I saw on the Fresh Direct website that was perfect for her & her family.

Receiving is progress for our beautiful neighbor, for although a generous giver, receiving was difficult for her in the past. We had a few conversations in the past where I shared how receiving was a kindness act for the giver. Slowly it has become easy for her to allow her kindness to others to be returned to her.

I enjoy her leisurely sit down chats that take place on these Fridays when she comes bearing delicious full course dinners. She likes to try out different recipes and I always send her rave reviews the next day with a gratitude graphic. What an adorable a person she is. She started emailing me the menu the night before, telling us what she planned on making…it always makes me smile when I see it in my email and I send her back a “big yum 😋 “, or a “can’t wait 😘”

We both marvel at her generosity and feel blessed 🙏

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Readers Comments

gardengal10 wrote: You've given a beautiful lesson in receiving as well as giving. :)
Rajni wrote: If we just give and do not accept gratefully universal flow of energy get stagnated, Not accepting boosts ego in giver but not receiving and it creates inferior complex in receiver who do not give.
unknown wrote: A very balanced reciprocal relationship 💗
petroskryf wrote: You and your neighbor are both such generous people, dear Mish. I love this Maya Angelou quote as well.👏🏻🧡💜
Balou wrote: Giving and receiving ... both immensly important ... yours sound like a wonderful balanced neighbouring relationship (neighbourship? 😂😉)
pluto178 wrote: Absolutely perfect give and take x
patjos wrote: It's wonderful to see how this has grown for you all :)
dotmatrix wrote: Sounds like you guys live in the best neighborhood on the planet. ♥.
scully wrote: Lovely Mish to have amazing neighbours sharing as you do and bonding in kindness, how cool.
janfour wrote: so nice and reciprocal

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