Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Taking Time to Fill the Well of Goodwill

--by SissyLee, posted May 25, 2022
The Little Critter Crew rescue I foster for can find its people overwhelmed. One of the co-founders lost a rat she was carefully tending through an injury. The rattie was so sweet and gentle, despite this injury. Sadly, the rat did not make it and this person was /is so sad and overwhelmed with her work.
Animal rescue brings you to your knees, over and over.
I sent her a supportive email and we had a chat. She is wisely taking some time off — they are always so inundated with animals. And now with Easter coming, there will be a huge influx of rabbits coming.
I reminded her of all the good she does and how grateful I am to help them in small ways. Fostering Mz Pancake is such a delight.

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Readers Comments

Lovebeingkind wrote: As a volunteer "cat-cuddler" at the local animal shelter, I totally empathise with you Sissy! There are some really sad cases... Remember my first day there back in Nov '17 and there was a sweet old cat that was riddled with all sorts of illnesses who totally melted my heart. Next day I went back there, I heard he had passed away. I was so unprepared that I just started crying on the spot but the young worker said "It happens." Sober yet important words that have stuck with me since! And now I am OK with that sort of thing.

Today I learnt there was a another cat that I remembered from two years ago. He had actually found a home but the new owners could not deal with his behavioural problems / making a mess and he has landed back there... BUT something beautiful happened... he actually remembered me even though I had not seen him in quite a while. Moments like that are worth their weight in gold. And actually... the good stuff overrides. I cannot think of anything more fulfilling than helping or just sitting with traumatised animals.💗

pluto178 wrote: Ups and downs of love x
Mish wrote: Your kind caring & support were a balm for her heart, Sissy. 🙏
Rajni wrote: Appreciation and support definitely fill the heart of the one who suffers.
cheeka wrote: Thanks for your amazing understanding, emotional care and support
gardengal10 wrote: I'm certain that your email was a boost.
scully wrote: SissyLee thanks for being there to offer support

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