Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Idea For Gift

--by dotmatrix, posted May 30, 2022
♥ 62 Gifts ♥

I made this tickler file and folders for my cousin who told me her assistant is having trouble remembering things. I hope it will be helpful. It was essential for me at every single one of my jobs. 

So far I'm up to 6 gifts of 62.   

More about this and the other gifts here:
295 Reads

Readers Comments

pluto178 wrote: Your are doing well. X
Balou wrote: No, you are already on 7 because just reading about all your special gifts is a gift in itself for me! Wonderful ieas, Dot!!!
Mish wrote: Not only kind, but clever as well. Well done, Dot. 👏🏻
Helenconnell2 wrote: Really good news!
gardengal10 wrote: ooh, aah! Dot that stunning. I keep saying that I need to do this. I have the folders, and the tabs, now to make it happen. You are an inspiration!
butterkind wrote: Great idea! Very helpful.
Rajni wrote: You are doing your math well with kindness, too.
scully wrote: Woah..I haven’t been on here for a little bit..and Dot never stops amazing me…your organizational skills are incredible..I like to shove in a drawer, and not really know what is there..and then get surprised when months after searching for something..I find it in a random place..need to plan better for my kids..
mindyjourney wrote: Like how your are taking your time in giving, dear dot! Sort of makes your bday celebrate all the year through :)))

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