Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Day 7 April RAoK

--by lewski711, posted May 13, 2022
I went back to the McDonald's that I had visited yesterday and found another fella in need. He sat reading his book in front of his bike. I asked if he'd like a bag of goodies that I put together. He looked in and was genuinely thankful. I asked his name and he asked mine; then we fist-bumped<3.

The image below is not one of my bags, but it's close: my bags include socks, water, a snack, bandaids, toothbrush and toothpaste, and more.

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Readers Comments

JustRose wrote: You are an inspiration. Inspiring the gift of avocado trees (2) to the gardener working at mcdonald's parking lot, its the nicest, we'll landscaping-truly cared for, and i'd been packing 8 in a bin in the back of the pickup for awhile, so after reading the post, i thought what the heck, and gifted gus-the gardner-the trees and he loved them. And the fries were perfect.
Mish wrote: Awesome kindness bags 👍❤️
Rajni wrote: Kindness packed in a bag is a very good kindness you did. Thanks
gyrocloudy wrote: Thank you for this kindness.
ado wrote: Very nice goodie bag.
pluto178 wrote: A lovely thing to do x
dotmatrix wrote: Wow, Lewski. These bags are great. I used to put a disposable camera in mine until I realized that film development these days is very pricey. But yeah these things are essential, especially the toiletries and socks. Blessings to you forever. ♥.
TC wrote: Thank you for your thoughtfulness and kindness. I am sure it is appreciated.
patjos wrote: what a great idea :)
Balou wrote: Perfect! Everything which might be neeed ...and something special ....

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