Stories of Kindness from Around the World

You are the Difference

--by mindyjourney, posted May 19, 2022

Again, absolutely slammed at the food bank with families in need.

It’s amazing, but as the need increases, so do the avenues of support: a bevy of new volunteers, folks with overflowing baskets of fresh eggs to donate, a used desk perfect for my sister's apartment.

Brought some snack-sized Easter candy to share with the families, along with a plate of peanut butter cookies for the volunteers.

“Oh, Mindy always brings in homemade treats for us!” another volunteer told a newbie. “2nd Saturday. Remember that!”

Adding that little extra, always makes a difference.
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Readers Comments

pluto178 wrote: Thats you hooked in lol………..great to find the desk though I do love a find like that…………but eggs is a great thing for food banks…………never crossed my mind x
Helenconnell2 wrote: So wonderful - isn't it?
gardengal10 wrote: Your expertise in baking is known far and wide :))
ado wrote: Thank you for doing the extra effort. You always go above and beyond. It is very fulfilling to serve others who are in need.
Mish wrote: You & your hubby are always EXTRA kind 💕
Annc wrote: Such a wonderful thing to do.
dotmatrix wrote: This is so great Mindy. ♥.
Balou wrote: A 'little' extra .... but it's not so little with you .... 😉😘
DANCE wrote: What beautiful kindness you offer
Rajni wrote: Extra love in baking and sharing goes a long way. Your kindness will always be remembered. Thanks for inspirations.

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