Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Birthday Gift #10

--by dotmatrix, posted May 31, 2022

(Image by Silviarita from Pixabay.)

Today's gift was to my friend Oscar in Portland who is unhoused. I got him a $50 Kroger card so that he can buy fresh fruits and veggies. Oscar and I have been talking a lot about gut health and how important nutrition is. I told him about our Cynthia Li's Brave New Medicine and Rich Roll's microbiome series on YouTube.

Oscar told me that it's really hard to get good food. Most of what is given out are stale, refined carbs. He's always grateful for the food, but he has an autoimmune disease so these kinds of foods are really making it worse. Now that spring is here, hopefully, he can get fresher produce.

I told him about the book I'm reading by Will Bulsiewicz, MD called Fiber Fueled. I'm learning so much. Today is day 70 since I started learning to make meals just from plants. The more I learn about plant-fueled eating, the better I feel about this decision. And this book is specifically about harnessing the body's capacity to heal itself. So my friend ordered the audio from the library and it will come in soon. He wants to learn about this too since he has serious auto-immune issues. That's how he lost his job and then his apartment.

Oscar is a young man, perhaps Ben's age. I cannot help my Benjamin right now, but I can help this young man. I want him to heal, and find a job and a home again. I know he can do it. And I won't stop helping him until that happens. I told him that.  Once my social security checks come in, I plan to make sure he gets Kroger cards every time I get paid so that he has plenty of fresh produce. 

Oscar's page on Twitter is @MyHomelessMeals. More than anything, he shows gratitude for every single person who helps him on a daily basis. He always shares what we send if he can, too. He recently joined Service Space because he said their Mission Statement is aligned with his values. He's quite an exceptional young man.

About the 62 Gifts.

I started giving 62 gifts for my 62nd birthday on March 29th.  I'm not doing daily gifts, like Lewski. Instead, I plan to take the entire year and do a total of (at least) 62 gifts. But I have to say, I'm so inspired by Lewski's April RAOKs. And every story here that's about kindness.

Thank you, my tribe.
969 Reads

Readers Comments

pluto178 wrote: Oscar is lucky to have you x
mindyjourney wrote: Grateful when folks bring in fresh fruits and veggies at foodbank :)
Rajni wrote: Your green heart is making other's heart green too.
Balou wrote: You are a true inspiration, Dot! Oscar eally is lucky to have you!

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