Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Trust From A Stranger

--by cyctw, posted Jun 1, 2022
Jack and Neeta own the store where we get our drinking water. I was telling Neeta about the vegan mango yogurt I make with cashews and she mentioned that some of her close family followed a vegan diet. So this morning I brought up a jar so that she could share it with her family.

I also asked Jack if they were interested in a jar of special peanut butter I make (with unsweetened coconut added), but he declined. I then decided to stop for an iced oat milk latte at Peets Coffee.

 The first thing Ashleigh said was, "I love your shirt!" Then she showed me her tattoo (Aum), which was on my "be love" shirt. I asked Ashleigh what her favorite thing to put on toast was.

She replied, "almond butter." "What about peanut butter," I asked? She said she just enjoyed eating that by the spoonful. I offered her my special recipe and since she liked coconut, too, she was thrilled!

Shen then offered me a coupon for a free drink on my next visit.
I find it extra special when a stranger accepts something that I make. It's not even about the gift, but more their trust in me, as I sometimes receive a polite decline, instead.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: You are a generous Giver, cyctw ❤️
mindyjourney wrote: And now with your new chef friendlier kitchen, who knows what fabulous gives you will make! :)))). Well done, my friend.
scully wrote: That is awesome! Thanks for sharing your gifts like that!
brindlegirl wrote: Yes. Yes. Yes!!!! This is everything ♥️
pluto178 wrote: Declines are probably from the english as we would mistrust food from a stranger but your charm must have won her over and your generosity x
Rajni wrote: Strangers are hidden friends Those who dearly deserve your gift, do not decline, You are doing a very good job.
dotmatrix wrote: Those are generous gives. That's so great! My husband and I became vegan after decades of being omnivores 78 days ago. I know this because I started a 100-day project doing a new vegan recipe daily. So I'd love to know how to make vegan yogurt with cashews. Raw cashews are great for so many things! ♥.
Helenconnell2 wrote: Thanks for sharing - wonderful way to share good things.
DANCE wrote: It's so wonderful to share, isn't it?!
Annc wrote: Beautiful giving and sharing.

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