Stories of Kindness from Around the World

May Day Baskets

--by Annc, posted Jun 1, 2022
I have been very busy getting ready for a month long road trip. Yesterday as I was preparing my flower garden the best I could to survive while I am gone, I realized that all the flowers now blooming would be wilted and gone by the time I got back.

I sadly decided to cut them all now. and then I realized it was May Day! When I was a child, we would make May Baskets out of paper or berry baskets (or really whatever we could find) and fill them with flowers. Then we would take leave them at the door of friends and neighbors, ring the bell and run and hide

. I decided to renew this tradition. I didn't have the time (or patience) to make my own May Baskets, but I have a large collection of Dollar Tree and/or thrift shop vases. So I cut the flowers, arranged them in vases and added cute tags.

Then I asked a neighbor boy to deliver them to all the neighbors. He had fun (and earned a little pocket money) and hopefully it brought smiles! I also dropped off flowers for the residents of our very small local assisted care facility.

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Readers Comments

patjos wrote: what a lovely turnaround :)
Mish wrote: Such a lovely May gift for your neighbors, Ann! Bless. And enjoy your road trip. 🤗
DANCE wrote: Lovely!
drjoybug wrote: A delightful kindness
SissyLee wrote: What a fantastic way to celebrate MayDay! What a great tradition to carry on.
petroskryf wrote: This is super kind, Ann! The fragrance of your kindness will linger on and on.
dotmatrix wrote: This is so wonderful. =) ♥.
Helenconnell2 wrote: There's a lot of kindness in there and what a lovely idea!
scully wrote: Oh wow May Day…so cool..what a great idea..thanks for sharing
mindyjourney wrote: What a wonderful way to celebrate May and all the blooms of kindness. Thank you, dear Ann! 🌸

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