Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Let the Children Lead Us

--by lewski711, posted Jun 11, 2022
I have this incredibly sweet girl in my class this year. We just finished a unit on creating a business and she wants to put into practice what she's learned.

She makes these rubber band bracelets and sells them. They come in cute bags she ordered with a thank you business card and sticker. And, she's got customers!

Today she presented me with this poster and one of her bracelets (which I wore all day).

Then, my $75 pencil sharpener broke and I was bummed. She told me that she would use the profits from her business to buy me a new sharpener.

How sweet (I sent her the Amazon, I kid! Just joking!), but what a wonderful heart!

425 Reads

Readers Comments

pluto178 wrote: Lol that did make me laugh x
Mish wrote: Enterprising young gal 👌🏻 Thanks for this smile 😉
mindyjourney wrote: Very sweet :)))) and who knows? You just might get that pencil sharpener!
Rajni wrote: This girl with compassionate heart will be a great business woman. May God continue to bless her with many successes she deserves.
scully wrote: How beautiful!
DANCE wrote: How very sweet

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