Stories of Kindness from Around the World

So many ways to Give

--by TC, posted Jun 11, 2022

Instead of berating yourself for a mistake, give the gift of forgiveness. Remember you are human and will make mistakes from time to time. Our mistakes gift us with a lesson so we will not make the same mistake again.

Instead of pushing ourselves past our limitations give the gift of self-nurturing. A gift that will allow us to help others. We cannot give from an empty vessel.

Instead of a frown give the gift of your smile. The gift of your smile will brighten the day for someone and in return you will receive the gift of their smile.

Give the gift of silent companionship, sitting with another without the need for words a gift of peace and quiet. Give the gift of your time to someone in need of company. Who knows what wonderful stories we will be gifted with while we visit?

Give the gift of unconditional love. Love is a gift that is priceless and to be treasure and shared with all. Be generous, be kind and be loving in all that you do. No harm can be done when we come from a place of loving kindness and generosity.

What gift will you share with the world today? Picture taken P. Myall and written by T. C.

368 Reads

Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Generous and kind, thank YOU, dear TC ❤️.
Mish wrote: Shared a smile today…several in fact 🥰
scully wrote: Love it TC, great reflecting and photo
janfour wrote: nice reminder and beautiful photo
Rajni wrote: Very inspiring article. I will give love care and support to needy people by giving them some groceries.

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