Readers Comments
Mish wrote: Spot on, Kat!! Well done ðŸ‘
fairykats wrote: Good on ya!!
Balou wrote: Yay! Great! ... and I know this feeling, each time I visited my dad (back then) thee was a list waiting fro me what had to be done 😂
pluto178 wrote: Imagine a hundred people doing like you…amazing x
mindyjourney wrote: Amazing what we can do when we have to! Thank you for fixing :).
brindlegirl wrote: Kat to have you as daughter would be any mummas greatest blessing xox
petroskryf wrote: What a kind thing to do. Thank you for being there for your mother.
scully wrote: I agree…I am so proud of my old fridge..I have had it since 2004. I have never had a problem with may not make ice, may have a slightly bend vegetable drawer, and it’s not stainless steel..but it’s covered with family photos, and keeps my food cold..enough said😀
Rajni wrote: You did a wonderful job. Repairing refrigerator is greatly appreciated. Your attitude of giving credit to universe is the best part of your story.
I also try my best to get things repaired. Universe - god is always there to help. I am grateful to him.
I also try my best to get things repaired. Universe - god is always there to help. I am grateful to him.