Stories of Kindness from Around the World


--by brindlegirl, posted Jun 28, 2022
Kindness is like a boomerang. It always comes back.

Today my man Luke and I went next to help the elderly widows who live next to us with their Tv. They were so grateful. Thanked him and I  constantly for helping. We left. Didn’t think more of it.

Then an hour later a knock at the door. We opened the door and there was beautiful Meg holding a delicious mudcake.

“Sorry I didn’t bake it” she said. “I bought it. To thank you both”.

How sweet is that!

We enjoyed the cake after dinner and I took a photo of my youngest eating cake and sent it to her.

Kindness and love spread. Never forget it 💕

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Readers Comments

pluto178 wrote: TV’s are beyond the comprehension of many of a certain age…. If mine doesn’t come on in the morning I could no more fix it than anything……….my husband ended up as Mr TV repair man in our of our houses as we had mainly elderly neighbours. One was paying for sky and they had never fitted the box……….so thank you I hope they don’t have dementia or you will be back tomorrow………my husband had to fix my Mothers every few days as she became obsessed with removing electricity and batteries so we were trying to get the TV to go on unaware she had removed the batteries……….we live to learn lol x
mindyjourney wrote: So sweet is the kindness of good neighbors 😊! Thanks to you all :)
Mish wrote: I know it meant a lot to them that you went over to help them. Bless you both for caring & helping.❤️
petroskryf wrote: What a lovely story! I like the idea that kindness is like a boomerang. Well done to both of you!
Rajni wrote: You got the cake that you both dearly deserved.
DANCE wrote: So kind all of you :-)

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