Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Fortunate Timing

--by kat94, posted Jun 28, 2022
Yesterday my dad's truck broke down. He knew it was coming but didn't think it would be this soon. It's at the mechanic and he'll get it back tomorrow.

He wasn't too happy as he needs it for work, but today there was a bit of a twist. We had a sudden severe thunder/hail/wind storm this afternoon. It caused a big branch from his tree to fall right on his driveway.

Right where his truck would have been. If his truck wasn't at the mechanic at that moment, it would be beyond repair after the storm. Everything truly does happen for one reason or another.

After the storm, I helped my dad and some of the older neighbours to clear their branches. The neighbourhood was a mess!

236 Reads

Readers Comments

Helenconnell2 wrote: Wow - that was some storm!
Mish wrote: Hope no one was hurt. May the week ahead hold only good things for your Dad.
pluto178 wrote: Wow I do love these stories obviously your Dad had earned some karma points somewhere along the line. X
Balou wrote: Wow, that was lucky! Hope nobody was hurt by the storm, falling branches, hail etc. ....
Rajni wrote: You did a wonderful job of help clear the branches from neighbors. Nothing in this world happens without a reason. Your father was lucky to escape damage.
scully wrote: Wow glad you and your dad are safe. Are you in Ontario, 🇨🇦, as there was huge storm!
Annc wrote: So glad all are safe and despite the inconvenience of having to take his truck to the shop, it is a blessing that it was not destroyed by the storm and the falling tree. Thank you for helping your dad and other neighbors to clean up after the storm!

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