Stories of Kindness from Around the World


--by ali.gray56, posted Jul 17, 2022
This past week I was able to go off on a little domestic tourism trip. Took my neighbors who have been so wonderful to me throughout my move to Belize & COVID-19 for a trip north to Lamanai Mayan Ruins.

It was a great trip. We ended up on a small tour up the river with a young German couple who have been traveling Mexico & Central America for a few months. They were leaving the next day, as were we, for the town across the river from our village, so of course I offered them a ride.

The back of a truck versus a 4-5 hour ride on a local bus? No contest. We took them thru Spanish Lookout & across the river on the 3-car hand-cranked wooden ferry, with a stop for handmade ice cream. The next day I went to the PO & I had a beautiful letter from Germany 💕 Such a kindness.
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Readers Comments

pluto178 wrote: Kindness all round x
Mish wrote: Full of kindness ❤️
Rajni wrote: Your kindness trip is very inspiring. Thanks for sharing
Helenconnell2 wrote: So lovely!
mindyjourney wrote: What beautiful memories you made and were a part of :)))! Thank you for doing. So made me smile 😊.
petroskryf wrote: Thank you for your kindness to your neighbors and the German couple.
DANCE wrote: Lovely to share with them

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