Stories of Kindness from Around the World

😊 Bright & Shiny At Sea 🛳

--by mindyjourney, posted Jul 17, 2022

The first morning at sea aboard the Grand Princess, I chose to join the Tai Chi class, after a simple breakfast brought to our cabin by Justine - our room service steward.

He brought us coffee (even when I forgot to check coffee once!) and a continental breakfast every morning via a card menu we filled out and placed on our door every evening.

I always wrote a simple SMILE greeting or HAVE A NICE DAY on the card.

Justine noticed the messages and was sure to point out his SMILE (behind his mask) and seemed appreciative of the kind words and Peace Doves.

Back at Tai Chi, I gave Imelda - a fellow student who helped lead the class after we discovered it was taught by a video, a Peace Dove. She was touched, showing it to her husband and asked if she could give me a hug. Every time we crossed paths aboard the ship, we stopped for a kind exchange.

Exiting the Explorer’s Lounge, where the early morning Tai Chi class was held, an officer (Italian, like most of the ship’s officers) quickly passed by on his way to the outside promenade deck, looking very dashing and official in his uniform.

I smiled and said, “Good morning!”

He stopped and returned the greeting, adding the comment in his booming voice, “I just love bright shiny people!” to his fellow crewman, referring to me!
That Tai Chi really amps up that positive energy alright 😊.

His comment still makes me smile and is one of my new favorite memories.
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Readers Comments

scully wrote: Wow, what a great vibe in your cruise! Thanks for creating that space with others with your genuine spirit
Mish wrote: Well you certsin,y are one of the brightest shiniest people I know! ☀️❤️
pluto178 wrote: You and Mish are the bright shiny people of KS………..always uplifting others………..light just cannot help but shine but it is nice when someone notices x
ado wrote: Amazing scenery and of course you look amazing as always. Glad that you had these nice exchanges with the lady and she appreciated the doves. Thank you for spreading kindness.
gardengal10 wrote: You will long be remembered by this crew!
Rajni wrote: Sister Mindy, your positive energy radiates brightly no matter where you are under the sky. Your interactions on are very inspiring aboard the Grand Princess,.
SissyLee wrote: Beautiful. All of it.
drjoybug wrote: Cruises are good places for many opportunities to shine and be kind.
dotmatrix wrote: Gorgeous collage. Thanks for all you do. ♥.
fairykats wrote: Peace bunny ears back at ya!

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