Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Pop Time

--by lewski711, posted Jul 24, 2022
For Father's Day, my girls gave me a "Pops Basket" filled with popcorn, PopTarts, popcorn shrimp, soda pop, Pop Chips, etc... I loved it, but won't consume some of the stuff because I have to keep an eye on my "pop bod".

Today, I took the Tootsie Pops with me to get my booster shot. I asked the pharmacist when he finished if I get a lollipop. He said only for the next shot. So, I gave him one instead. You should have seen his face. Surprised, smiling and delighted.
It wasn't the candy, but it was knowing I had brought it for him.

When I was clear to leave, I headed to Vons for some avocados. When I was done being wrung up, I gave the person, who I see every week, another Tootsie Pop. Same response.

Something so simple, can brighten a moment in a person's day!

635 Reads

Readers Comments

phyllisshepard wrote: Love it! We humans love being appreciated and little things mean a lot.
Mish wrote: I ❤️ Tootsie Pops….ever since I was a little child 😊
Rajni wrote: You are just spreading your girl's love and getting smiles in return.
SissyLee wrote: I love the pops for pop story and the subsequent sharing!
kmbhai wrote: so lovely..
dotmatrix wrote: thanks for sharing such delightful stories, Lewski
butterkind wrote: Thanks to your girls for their creativity.
pluto178 wrote: Very thoughtful x
lt33 wrote: Great way to brighten peoples day 😎
mindyjourney wrote: Those Pops are perfect for sharing! Sis just donated some to the community food basket in her apt building :).

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