Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Bottle Of Water And A Banana

--by greenurlifenow, posted Jul 31, 2022
Brought a bottle of water and an extra banana with me this morning, just in case I saw someone who may be in need, especially since the weather is getting hot now.

Saw a man who looked in need, and gave them both to him.
552 Reads

Readers Comments

asma wrote: So compassionate of you! God bless
fairykats wrote: That is the kindest thing!
pluto178 wrote: Well planned x
Helenconnell2 wrote: Good idea!
Mish wrote: So kindly caring. Bless. 🙏❤️
Rajni wrote: Well equipped for kindness. Very inspiring too.
dotmatrix wrote: Great going. ♥.
kmbhai wrote: beautiful..
mindyjourney wrote: Thank YOU for being prepared :)
Balou wrote: Pure kindness, thank you!

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