Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sharing Our Abundance

--by dotmatrix, posted Sep 7, 2022
Two of the six orphanages I featured on now have GoFundMe pages. The young people who run the orphanages and care for the children contacted me on IG and sent me links. I was able to send a little to one, but next month I plan to start sending monthly to both.  The kids made a thank you sign with my name on it. Really sweet. ♥.

We gave again to Sister Lucy's Ashram Maher which has been monthly since 2020. Her heroics during the pandemic inspired us so much. 

Oscar told me he discovered he can buy frozen fruits and veg with our monthly gift and keep them in his cooler. He says these retain the freshness which is sealed in when they are frozen and last longer than some of the fresh stuff does in his tent, especially in the 100+ heat and humidity they've been experiencing.
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: you are making such a difference in sooo many ways, dear dot! Thank you :))))
Mish wrote: Full of wonderful kind caring,Dot . Bless 🙏
pluto178 wrote: I bet they appreciate everything you do x
patjos wrote: This is fantastic Dot, well done :)
Helenconnell2 wrote: That's so wonderful and amazing care!
kmbhai wrote: You are so generous.. beautiful.
DANCE wrote: You are so kind to support them all Dot

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