Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Giving and Receiving

--by DANCE, posted Sep 30, 2022
Have been busy spending lots of time with a wonderful student from France who stayed with us for a couple of weeks. What a delightful young man! So kind and caring.

We took him with us to lots of places we knew he'd be interested in and he loved it; maritime museum, national motor museum, nature reserves, historic marina and so much more.

He invited us for lunch before he left and thanked us so politely. Oh I'm so very lucky :-)
210 Reads

Readers Comments

pluto178 wrote: More fun it is a good time for you right now x
mindyjourney wrote: and you are building a KIND minded world of friends :). thank you.
Mish wrote: You are such a gift to all the lucky ones who get to stay with you. Bless, Dance.
Rajni wrote: You welcomed French student way the Indian scriptures say "Treat guests as if they are God" You did a wonderful job.
kmbhai wrote: You are rocking..

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