Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Chocolate Smiles!

--by cabbage, posted Oct 17, 2022
Bought chocolates from a friend's son to support a fundraiser for his school--then distributed the chocolate bars to many colleagues and staff at college...they were so happy to get a sweet treat in the middle of the just made my day to see them smile and light up! Was also able to give a chocolate bar to a homeless man later that evening when buying the "street sheet news" from him.

Stayed late to support a colleague who needed to talk....listened and gave advice when asked.

Sent inspiring video to friends and family

Gave away more garden veggies

Complimented some students who were practicing a dance outside--they were pleased to be noticed :-)

Wrote a card to someone going through a stressful time

Helped a neighbor find a resource they needed
200 Reads

Readers Comments

Dennis826 wrote: Awesome. Being gifted chocolate in the middle of the day is always a pleasant surprise.
Mish wrote: Full of kind. Bless 🙏
dotmatrix wrote: Wonderful. ♥.
butterkind wrote: Such sweet acts of kindness, cabbage. Felt glad reading it :))
Rajni wrote: Your attitude has become very kind. It works wonders for many you meet.. You are doing a wonderful job.
mindyjourney wrote: So many kindness opportunities and YOU take time/energy to do each one. Thank you :)
petroskryf wrote: Your kindness made a difference to so many people. Thank you.🌻🌸
pluto178 wrote: Lovely x
DANCE wrote: Thank you for taking the time

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