Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Learning Curve

--by TC, posted Nov 2, 2022
A Learning Curve
As I have shared in past posts my husband has a condition called MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and has been dealing with his condition for more than 20 years. Although he has not been diagnosed with dysphagia he has been experiencing symptoms for quite some time now, trouble swallowing, choking and difficulties with his speech. Quote from the National MS Society website: “Dysphagia, or difficulty in swallowing, can occur in people with MS. While more frequent in advanced disease, it can occur at any time.” This means my husband must concentrate on what he is doing when he is eating, as his body will not always automatically swallow for him. As his MS progresses, he must now concentrate on what he is doing to complete a task properly.

This a learning curve for both of us. For my husband it is learning to focus on what he is doing without the distraction of anyone talking to him and asking for quiet when he needs it. For myself it is learning to sit quietly and wait for him to be done with what he is doing before I talk. Not an easy task as those who know me know that I can be a chatter box. I am sharing this to educate others about a symptom I knew nothing about until It affected my husband.

For us as a couple this is simply the next part of the learning curve of living with MS. It affects both our lives in different ways and will continue to do so as things progress. As the saying goes “it is what it is”. We take each day as it comes never knowing until he gets up in the morning, whether it will be a good day or whether it will be a day for my husband to slow down and take it easy. Picture taken and written by TC.

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Dear TC, thank you for sharing about your husband’s continued courage and your support. Our journey is always unfolding…much love and blessings to you both.
DotMatrix wrote: Your gentleness and patience are evidence of your great love. And what courage and fortitude to go through this without despair. Blessings to you both. ♥.
Mish wrote: Thank you for sharing this. A dear friend of ours has MS & is dealing with some issues. He too has a supportive wife. Bless you & your husband, TC. 🙏
SissyLee wrote: Love to you and your husband.
gardengal10 wrote: Life is a learning curve, isn't it. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
pluto178 wrote: I always find myself in great admiration of people coping with these sorts of conditions and of course their families…..we get through everything we need to and are there for each other. We are hear anytime you feel like talking about it with your patience and kindness he made a good choice in you for a wife. Good luck to both of you I hope you have many easy days x
Rajni wrote: May Almighty God help cure your husband very quickly and help him keep the normalcy in life.

What we believe in, we see it in reality. Thinking positively will definitely help your husband and you as well.

Doctors diagnose on the bases of the information , tests and patient history. We all know that God supersede all the doctors of the world. Our 100% unwavering faith in Him works wonders in all aspects of life including health. Wishing you both all the best.
Helenconnell2 wrote: Thank you very much for sharing about your experience!
petroskryf wrote: Bless you for your loving support, thinking of you and your husband. xx
DANCE wrote: SO much to learn from what you share, thank you. Bless you both, lots of love

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