Readers Comments
Mish wrote: Holding all affected in prayer, Dot. Bless you for sending him the face masks 😷
gardengal10 wrote: I, too, have a friend in the Portland area. It's a tough time. My thoughts are with your friend.
Helenconnell2 wrote: Holding them with prayers.
mindyjourney wrote: Sending Oscar and those affected by fire/smoke prayers 🙏.
SissyLee wrote: I am in Springfield and it is awful. We are expecting rain, finally, by Friday night so here is hoping smoke goes away and the fires are quenched.
cheeka wrote: My thoughts are with your friend Oscar. Thanks for your kindness!
Rajni wrote: Dear Oscar, our prayers are with you, around you, above and below you to make healthy air for you and others as well. Dot's love and care will help you stay healthy.
janfour wrote: thinking of them all - we had two terrible summers in CO and know it is so pervasive.
pluto178 wrote: Bad air is just as bad as bad bugs. Yikes! I hope this worked out for everyone's sake. Oscar cruz is a stellar human.