Stories of Kindness from Around the World

How You Do One Thing Is How You Do Everything.

--by Dennis826, posted Nov 24, 2022
There's that old saying: How you do one thing is how you do everything. Therefore, as you become more kind and compassionate, it shows in everything that you do, even when playing music.

I recently went to a jam session with some other musicians in town (many of whom I was meeting for the first time). When I used to jam with other musicians, I spent more time in my head thinking about my drumming instead of actually paying attention to what was going on. This time though, I found that I was more attentive and was able to support the other musicians more through my playing.

Because of this, our music was better than ever before, and I could feel the audience was enjoying the music more too, because the music was no longer about me, it was about all of us connecting through the universal language of music.

Afterwards, the musicians I played with told me they felt like our hearts were connected while playing, and that we were able to achieve a new level of playing together thanks to our collected approach. When playing, there was no ego or one-upping. There was just us sharing ourselves with our open hearts.

I believe that the best musicians in the world have this in common; which is to see past their own egos, and to listen to/ connect with their audience and fellow musicians. I've realized all of this thanks to my practice of being a more compassionate and caring person.

So, I would like to thank everyone on this website for opening your hearts and showing me how to be a more caring person. As I grow into a more kind and caring person, I can now bring joy to not only those in my daily life, but also through my music, and to those who listen.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: This moved me deeply. Yes, kindness grows & takes us from me to We. It’s a beautiful thing. KindSpring has enabled this transformation in us all. Deep Gratitude. Glad you are here with us , helping to add your kind hearted acts into the world 🙏
pluto178 wrote: There is nothing finer than knowing you have made that deeper connection…….x
Helenconnell2 wrote: I often find music moves me to be open and connect with others - I think is is joint connectivity which opens doors to people's hearts.
janfour wrote: Great story of being part of a collective effort!
mindyjourney wrote: The joy of giving opens our hearts in so many ways 🎶. Glad you are appreciating and sharing that gift!
SissyLee wrote: What a beautiful musical time! It is transforming when it all comes together like that! I have not experienced such a thing but my partner has — he says sometimes it is just moments but it is what makes group playing so incredible. thank you for sharing this wonderful experience.
DrJoe wrote: There are languages that are universal, music and kindness are two of those languages. They speak to us all and traverse boundaries like oceans, borders, and spoken dialects. Music brings people together, just like kindness. Keep playing and keep spreading kindness!
fairykats wrote: I agree with your assessment about musicians. In my old age, I am learning the piano and cannot imagine trying to play with other instruments or even accompanying a singer. Maybe in my next life. I'm so happy for you :]
dotmatrix wrote: Thank you for sharing this beautiful story, Dennis. Music is the most beautiful expression of love. ♥.
Rajni wrote: We all know that attitude is a little thing but it does make a BIG difference. Using heart in place of mind makes us real human. Your experience is very inspiring. May others learn the lesson to make life worthwhile, their own and rest of the world. Thanks

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