Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Oscar's Thank You Note

--by dotmatrix, posted Nov 27, 2022
Sent another payment this morning to Oscar via his friend, Mitch. Mitch tells me that Oscar uses the money often to help others who are homeless in Portland. One I know about is his friend who is in a wheelchair.

We sent Oscar most of a case of Right Nutrition last winter and he shared it, as always. I am trying to save up for a full case for Christmas, but it's very expensive. When it is bad weather, Oscar is able to have a full meal with one scoop by just adding water, and each case has 144 meals.

Getting just one meal from those who help in Portland takes him most of the day because he walks so slowly due to his illness, and in the winter that's especially hard because the lines are long.

Oscar sent me a kind thank you note the other day that had me in tears. He said he hadn't felt cared for like this since his parents were alive. It touched my heart. I'm grateful for our connection. 

286 Reads

Readers Comments

Helenconnell2 wrote: Thank you so much for helping Oscar and great you are hoping to send him more.
kmbhai wrote: Thanks..
Mish wrote: Wow ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
DANCE wrote: Thank u dear friend
Rajni wrote: Dot, your help is valuable beyond measure. Oscar is compassionate human who helps others from his help. You dearly deserve the priceless thank you note.
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for making a difference in Oscar’s life and in so many others.

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