Readers Comments
Mish wrote: Sorry for your loss, Sissy…you were an earth Angel for little Popcorn & he carries your tender loving connection with him. Thank you for looking out for little creatures & the bullied homeless man. Bless you.
pluto178 wrote: I am so sorry to hear this he was such a love in your life but he showed you how much you can give to these little creatures and now it will become your lifes work….well done for all you do x
gardengal10 wrote: Loved hearing stories about Popcorn. You gave him a good life. People are so cruel to others just because they think that they can.
mindyjourney wrote: Dear little Popcorn…we all came to love him 💕. There’s going to be quite a crowd at the Rainbow Bridge when the time comes 🌈. And thank you for your presence and support of homeless man.
fairykats wrote: awww Popcorn, I know you are in a better place. Thank you, Sissy, for all the critters large and small who you help.
unknown wrote: Popcorn :-(
Helenconnell2 wrote: I shall miss Popcorn too - it must have been a sad loss! Thank you so much for supporting the man in the park and learning the value of the phone in certain cirucmstances!
unknown wrote: So sorry to hear about Popcorn. I have always enjoyed reading about your "critters". You have a very big heart, Sissy and I admire you for not looking away when thar homeless man was bullied. I watched a documentary recently where a homeless man said somebody set his blankets on fire when he was sleeping and his hand got badly burnt. Some people need to be more compassionate and caring - just like you 💗
janfour wrote: thank you for caring for small creatures - take care
petroskryf wrote: So sad about your loss. Thank you for all you do for others.