Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My Precious Little Hamster

--by SissyLee, posted Dec 25, 2022
My precious little hamster Popcorn died peacefully of old age a couple weeks ago. I miss him with a pang but I know I gave him the best life possible. He was my first rescue with The Little Critter Crew and he stayed. I hade him for over a year. He was about two when he died. We had a tight bond and I am so grateful to have had him in my life. He helped me to grow in countless ways.
I have since adopted another hammie in need. His name is Bao, after the Chinese bun, which he resembles.
Two foster gerbils are coming my way today.
A few days ago I saw a homeless man being bullied by a large man who was yelling at him.I have seen the homeless man around the neighborhood. He is a gentle soul. I stopped my walk and turned around and walked towards this scene taking place in a quieter part of a city park. They both noticed me. As I got closer and then stood still, wishing I had my cell phone, the large bully jogged away. I asked the homeless fellow if he was ok and he told me this man yells at him every chance he gets. He wishes someone would call the police when it happens. He thanked me for being there.
I now make a point of carrying my phone.

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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Sorry for your loss, Sissy…you were an earth Angel for little Popcorn & he carries your tender loving connection with him. Thank you for looking out for little creatures & the bullied homeless man. Bless you.
pluto178 wrote: I am so sorry to hear this he was such a love in your life but he showed you how much you can give to these little creatures and now it will become your lifes work….well done for all you do x
gardengal10 wrote: Loved hearing stories about Popcorn. You gave him a good life. People are so cruel to others just because they think that they can.
mindyjourney wrote: Dear little Popcorn…we all came to love him 💕. There’s going to be quite a crowd at the Rainbow Bridge when the time comes 🌈. And thank you for your presence and support of homeless man.
fairykats wrote: awww Popcorn, I know you are in a better place. Thank you, Sissy, for all the critters large and small who you help.
unknown wrote: Popcorn :-(
Helenconnell2 wrote: I shall miss Popcorn too - it must have been a sad loss! Thank you so much for supporting the man in the park and learning the value of the phone in certain cirucmstances!
unknown wrote: So sorry to hear about Popcorn. I have always enjoyed reading about your "critters". You have a very big heart, Sissy and I admire you for not looking away when thar homeless man was bullied. I watched a documentary recently where a homeless man said somebody set his blankets on fire when he was sleeping and his hand got badly burnt. Some people need to be more compassionate and caring - just like you 💗
janfour wrote: thank you for caring for small creatures - take care
petroskryf wrote: So sad about your loss. Thank you for all you do for others.

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