Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A 5K Run Becomes An Exercise In Compassion

--by cappjoc99, posted Jul 10, 2010

Sometimes the people who are noticed the least can do the most to lift us up...

On Thanksgiving morning I got up early to run in the local 5K run. I figured it might give me the motivation to get back into running.  It was nearly freezing that morning so everyone getting ready to run was hopping around trying to stay warm.  

On the side of the road, sitting in the grass, was a man wrapped in a blanket.  It was pretty obvious he was homeless and as usual, most people pretended not to see him.  I went over and talked with him for a few minutes before the race.  In the midst of the idle chit-chat, he told me that he was a veteran and had hoped he might be able to earn a few dollars that morning to be able to go buy a Thanksgiving dinner.  He had a glimmer of happy memories in his eyes when he talked about hot turkey and stuffing. With only a brief moment to sit with him, I had to start the race but I told him I'd talk to him more when I had finished.  He said he would be there watching "the parade" that he hadn't expected that morning, and would watch to see me cross the finish line.  

I thought about this man during most of the race.  I'm in the military and it always hurts me to see someone who served going through such a rough time.  He hadn't asked me for anything, but I wanted to do something for him.  But what?  I only had a couple dollars, certainly not enough for a thanksgiving dinner for the man.  

After the race I went back over and sat in the grass next to him, that got me more than a few odd looks from other runners.  During our conversation I gave him the cash I had.  He didn't want to accept it, but I told him I wanted him to have it and that it may get him a little something extra during the day.  He then said, "This has been so nice. Thank you.  I haven't really talked to anybody in a real long time."  

"Wow", I thought.  This man is thanking me for just talking to him?  I'm nobody special."

After I said good bye, I went up to a couple of other people who were involved with the race.  I asked them if they had a couple of dollars for a homeless veteran who just wanted to buy a hot Thanksgiving dinner.  I think he ended up getting enough for a good dinner that night.  

I went to the run to try to do something for myself, but he did more for me than I could ever have gotten out of just running.  He showed me how to smile through the rough times and reminded me not to take for granted the many blessings I have.

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Readers Comments

theniceguy wrote: isnt it a good feeling? chances are you are never going to see that guy again and neither one of ya'll will ever forget eachother. god wanted you to meet him. we need more people like you in the world
Ironlady48 wrote: Thank you for your kindness. I too am a vet and it always breaks my heart to see those who served now homeless and ignored.
Nas wrote: As a fellow runner myself i admire what you did for that man, in my country people who live on the streets are usually dangerous and very difficult to help. So its nice to see that its not like that everywhere and some can give back.
Paula Kiger wrote: I loved this story. As a runner, it often makes me wonder about the fact that we pay to run and burn off calories (among other things) when so many people around the world (and around the corner) would consider it a true luxury to be "stuffed" and "need a run". You did the right thing; thank you.
Lacey wrote: That is amazing. All to often people are blind to see what is going on outside of thier own activities. Thank you for taking the time to share this story.
Reneda wrote: You brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for spending time w/someone who just needed someone to care. I'm certain the hot meal warmed his stomach, but the time spent w/you warmed his heart. And that is just as necessary in life as food. You are a very special soul.
diane wrote: This was a beautiful gift to anyone that read it. Thank you.
jenwuzhere wrote: Aww :) glad to hear that with you just talking to him, that made his day!
Zevelina wrote: To have someone to talk to. It is so important. Great job!
Maria wrote: Good for you! I have a similar story, but it wasn't a homeless man or marathon involved. It was me training for a marathon at a park and a young kid that should have been in school and wasn't.

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