Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Spontaneous Connection

--by SissyLee, posted Jan 1, 2023
I work in a building with four other offices. One office traded spaces for another down the hall. I noticed a package by their former office and carried it to the new office and handed it over. “That is so kind of you to do,” she said. The office is for the non-profit “Smart Readers,” which helps kids learn to read.
She then looked it over and opened it and told me it was for someone who worked at a Portland office who left a long time ago and why ever did it come here? It had nothing to do with reading, but was cosmetic samples! She told me perhaps it was a dream and I was in her dream. It was a fun and funny exchange and I got to know my work neighbor and thoroughly enjoyed it.

298 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Kindness always leads to a new friend 👌🏻
pluto178 wrote: How lovely new friends I am sure x
petroskryf wrote: Glad for your kind encounter.
mindyjourney wrote: A new friend :)
Rajni wrote: Kindness is very kind to you.

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